Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where have all the hot men gone?

So as a single lady I tend to be quite aware of men. You never know when a cute guy will walk buy and it is important to get as much eye candy as I can - as it helps keep me warm through the long lonely nights - ha!

What I have noticed of late in that Perth is suffering from a seriously lack of hotties, well at least all the places I frequent, seem to be devoid of talent.

So in light of this I decided yesterday while I was shopping to venture outside of my normal shopping zones and explore the greater metro area in search of a lamp, a shower head and some hot men.

The first place on my itinerary was the Ikea megastore in Innaloo. This place was a bust - number one it is so jam packed full of people that it is hard to breath, two it is hard to look for hot men when you are really busy trying to decide which lamp to get (there are so many), and three it is couple mecca - any hot guys there are with their wives/partners/life partners etc.

Moving on, lamp in tow, I was now fully focused on scoping men (and a new shower head as mine had sucummed to CLR). With this in mind I heading to Bunnings warehouse in Innaloo. I walked through the giant green entry way and seemed to have stumbled upon a hot bed of sexy men - so this is where they have been hiding! I got my shower head and spent the next 30 minutes wandering around checking out the talent in the hopes that I could discover just who these hotties were. Here is what I discovered:

1) some of them work there, they have a sexiness about them as working at Bunnings is a manly job, it makes them seem capable and like they could fix your leaking tap or toilet if it is on the fritz. Add that to the fact that they have a dress code, and therefore are relatively clean cut and presentable and you are onto a winner.

2) Some are just visiting to pick up tools, items for the house, advice etc These guys are sexy for many reasons, they probably own a home or at least rent one (since they are looking for items to fix up one), they are handy (see above), many of them are tradies who have come in to pick up supplies (very hot), and they (for the most part) seem to exude a mannish charm that you don't find wandering around the shopping malls. The only downside to this group is there is a high chance that there is a lady waiting at home, but considering this was an excursion for eye candy I think we can ignore that fact.

So ladies my advice for you if you are looking for something hot to look at and you don't really want to loose an eye from staring at the sun - head to a hardware store - it is an uptapped resource of handy sexy men... The search will continue next weekend, right now I am off to Bunnings to buy a....hell I will think of soemthing when I get there I am sure.

Remember you don't want to mess with mighty mouse...xox

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